Thursday, October 27, 2016


This is a top of a church from back home. I really liked this picture because of the clouds. I wasn't really happy with how it came out. I lost a lot of detail because it got to dark. You can see the brush marks on the image which really frustrated me but I kind of like it because it looks like a sun beam shining down on the church. I used 17 drops and the exposure time was 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

This is a picture of a bridge that is for bikes and people walking or running. On the left side of the bridge is Lake Champlain. On the other side is the Winooski River that runs into Lake Champlain. If you go straight over the bridge that brings you into the town called Colchester. This is all about 10 minutes from my house. I think this is one of my better prints out of all of the ones I did for this project. I love the shadows. It reminds me of the kind of bridge that trains go over. This was also a 3 minute and 30 second exposure and I used 17 drops.

This next print is of two paper doilies layered on top of each other. The lighter one was white and it was small. The other was blue that was a lot bigger than the white one. That's how I got the different tones. I just thought I'd experiment with these and I really like doing these. The exposure time was 2 minutes and 30 seconds and I used 17 drops.

This is a picture of a longboat in the middle of a rowing race. This is actually the boat I was racing in. I am all the way to the right in the bow of the boat (that is seat number 1). We are racing on Lake Champlain (our home race). This was a big highlight for me because I did rowing throughout my high school career (4 years). I had a lot of fun being on the team. At UNH we have crew but the boats are compleatly different. Longboats are these really old wooden boats that we make ourselves (takes about 30 people to lift one), whereas skull boats are very light, really low to the water, and it takes about 7 people to lift one. The exposure time was 3 minutes and 30 seconds and I used 17 drops.

This is a picture of the Grand Canyon for the South side, I think it is. This was probably one of the best trips I've ever gone on. I went on this trip when I was at the end of my Junior year of high school. It was a trip for a program at school called the YES (Year End Studies) program. You had to sign up for a few classes to take or chose to go on a trip. Well of course I chose the trip. This was just one of our stops that we made. We actually volunteered at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, which is the largest animal sanctuary in the world. The sanctuary is located in Utah. So we stopped at the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, and walked through the Narrows River, which was in Zion. So one day I hope to go back to all of these wonderful and amazing places. My exposure time was 3 minutes and 15 seconds and I used 28 drops.

This pictures was also a rowing race. Instead this is the starting line of the race. So the boats all line up in a row and then a horn or a gun will go off and then the race begins. My exposure time was 4 minutes. But I feel like it could have been longer to bring out more detail. I used 17 drops. 

I love this picture because of the clouds and knowing me I love clouds. At the bottom is the top of a barn. I wish that it could be seen more on the print. But if I tried to bring it out more I would loose the detail of the clouds. My exposure time was 3 minutes and I used 28 drops.

This is a picture from a hike I went on. It is the top of Mount Philo in Vermont. I could have worked on this a little longer I just ran out of time. My exposure time was 3 minutes and 30 seconds and I used 17 drops.

This is a picture of a main highway in Utah. Pictures don't even describe what I actually saw when I was there in that car looking out along this main highway and all around is dry dirt and rocks. My exposure time was 3 minutes and 30 seconds and I used 17 drops.

 The following 3 prints below are the ones I took out of my selection because they were the "not good" prints. I was going to include them into my selection but they didn't turn out how I wanted them to turn out.

Rock sculpture I made by the river.
Exposure time 3 minutes and 10 seconds and I used 28 drops.

New Football Stadium
Exposure time was 3 minutes and I used 17 drops.

Bryce Canyon
Exposure time was 3 minutes and 20 seconds and I used 17 drops.

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